Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Awareness Center's Rape Victim Advocates of The Year Award

The Awareness Center, Inc.
(The Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Abuse/Assault)
P.O. Box 65273, Baltimore, MD 21209

Rape Victim Advocates of the Year 5767 (Jewish calendar)
The Awareness Center wants to personally thank the following individuals and organizations who helped to make a difference in the lives of those who have been sexually victimized. We also want to thank anyone else we neglected to list.

  • All survivors of sexual violence(child sexual abuse, sexual assault, professional sexual misconduct, clergy sexual abuse) who chose to live instead of committing suicide. The Awareness Center also want to thank all survivors for doing what the can to make a difference in the world.
  • Victoria Balfour- for her dedication and determination in exposing the case of Dr. William Ayres and for offering hope to all of the survivors.
  • Rabbi Yosef Blau for his ongoing support to survivors of sex crimes and family members.
  • Professor, Marci Hamilton - for advocating for the civil rights of survivors of sexual violence, especially in cases of clergy sexual abuse.
  • Phil Jacobs and the Baltimore Jewish Times for stepping outside the box and producing the series on sexual abuse in the Baltimore Community.
  • Jewish Survivors Blogger - for advocating for survivors and offering a blog for and about Jewish survivors of sex crimes.
  • Israel Moskovits - for creating the film "Narrow Bridge." The first film to address the issue of clergy sexual abuse in Jewish communities.
  • Simonne Levi-Jameson - for surviving the holocaust and publishing her autobiography "Men or Rats." We also want to honor Dr. Levi-Jameson for her life efforts of advocating for sexually abused children.
  • Paul Levy and Public Citizen Litigation Group - for their efforts in protecting the civil rights of Bloggers who had the courage to speak out against Mordecai Tendler.
  • Murray Levin - for his courage for sharing his story with the world and his on going efforts to reach out to survivors and various individual in the Baltimore community.
  • Pat Noaker - For being a mench when it comes to talking to survivors of child sexual abuse/clergy sexual abuse. Pat is an attorney who specializes in representing survivors of child sexual abuse /clergy sexual abuse.
  • Rabbi Ze'ev Smason and the small group of people in St. Louis Jewish community -- for doing the right thing when a case broke in their community and creating a new organization that grants wishes for Jewish sexually abused children.
  • Rabbi Yaakov Siegel - for writing the article "Background Information and The History of Rabbinical Ordinations."
  • All of the women who have been allegedly sexually harassed and sexually assaulted by Jonathan Berkowitz. These women and their friends have notified The Awareness Center every time they found their alleged offender on Frumster or other Internet dating services.
  • The survivors of Rabbi Moshe Eisemann who had the courage to come forward and for their dedication to make Ner Israel Rabbinical College safer.
  • The survivors of Rabbi Tobias Gabriel who had the courage to come forward, and for their dedication to making this alleged sex offender accountable for his actions.
  • The survivors of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko for filing police reports and for the courage it took to file civil suits against both Rabbi Kolko and Yeshiva Torah Temimah (school).
  • The survivors of Rabbi Avraham M. Leizerowitz for filing police reports and doing what needs to be done to prevent any more children from being harmed.
  • The survivors of Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro who had the courage to have their stories told in the Baltimore Jewish Times.
  • The survivors of Rabbi Yisroel Shapiro who had the courage to have their stories told in the Baltimore Jewish Times.
  • The survivor of Rabbi Mordecai Tendler who had the courage and strength to file a civil suit against her alleged offender.
  • The FBI, US Marshall's Office, Interpol and any one else not mentioned involved with tracking down Rabbi Alan Horowitz and put him back in prison.
  • Volunteers, The Board and Advisory Board of The Awareness Center for dedicating their time and effort in trying to end sexual violence in Jewish communities around the globe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! what an incredible list. I agree. Thank you to all of those who are making a difference.

September 06, 2007 8:39 AM  

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